Vaccines can not make someone control us by brainwaves

No vaccine has liquid crystals in its composition. These materials are not able to transform brain cells into receptors of electromagnetic fields


You have sent us an Instagram post with screenshots of a video that is circulating in several social networks in which a man identified as Pierre Gilbert claims that in a hypothetical future, vaccines will carry liquid crystals and will be used to control humanity by brainwaves. The video claims to be from 1995 but is currently being shared, coinciding with the covid-19 world vaccination campaign. These claims are false. No approved vaccine to date has liquid crystals in its composition and, even if it had, these materials are not able to transform brain cells into micro-receptors of electromagnetic fields.

"We will introduce liquid crystals in these vaccines which will embed in their brain cells and become micro receptors of electromagnetic fields sent by ultrasonic waves of very, very low frequencies that will prevent them from thinking; we can make them into zombies"

The term liquid crystal makes reference to a matter state which has intermediate properties between a liquid and a solid state, which gives certain advantages to it in terms of stability, solubility, bioavailability or controlled drug release. Hence, substances with such properties “have been used as administration platforms in both pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies —for instance, in dermal applications— and in engineering”, Rebeca Santano, researcher at the Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal, in Catalan) in Barcelona, tells Verificat. 

However, "there is no adjuvant currently approved for use in Europe or the US that is considered a liquid crystal", as can be seen, for instance, in the list of adjuvants authorised by the European Medicines Agency. "Some liquid crystal formulations have been proposed for use in vaccines as adjuvants, although so far they have only been tested in animal models", not for human use, she indicates.

Creams and drugs with liquid crystals

The orator also talks about vaccines turning cells into “micro receptors of electromagnetic waves preventing us from thinking”. As Santano has added, Gilbert’s assertion is not possible: “Liquid crystals are substances that, if introduced into our bodies, do not have the capacity to create from scratch or insert in our cells such a complex machinery”. Moreover, he adds, “in the hypothetical case that such liquid crystals conferred such property to the cells of our body, creams or drugs that are based on liquid crystals for the correct administration of their components would also have this capacity, and such a type of behaviour has not been observed”.

Finally, Gilbert insinuates that this technique may be behind of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, when around one million people, mostly Tutsis, were killed in the African country. The event is defined by the United Nations as “one of the crudest chapters in human history”.

Real scientific advances

The post at Instagram refers to several real scientific advances to back up its arguments, but none of them are related to vaccines. The first, an investigation from the University of Virginia published in 2016, when a team managed to alter neurons in fish and laboratory rats using electromagnetic fields, which was achieved using gene therapy techniques rather than vaccines. The authors of the study hope that these discoveries will be used in the future to treat diseases such as schizophrenia or Parkinson. Secondly, the message talks about Steve Ramírez’s investigations, a neurologist from Harvard University who is leading a research group that is studying how to alter memory in order to treat psychiatric disorders.

Some of the affirmations are accompanied with images of people who, supposedly after getting vaccinated, can put a magnet on their arm. These types of videos have been circulating a lot lately and, as we have already explained, it is impossible for SARS-CoV-2 vaccines to magnetise your body.

Who is Pierre Gilbert?

Some posts identify the orator as a theologist. Others, as a social scientist from Sorbonne University, but this is not the case. It is true that there is a professor of theology at Mennonite University in Canada with the same name. Pierre Salama is an emeritus professor at the Sorbonne University in North Paris expert in Economy (Gilbert is one of his compound names, according to his currículum). Both have confirmed to verificat that they are not the ones who have made these statements.

Pierre Gilbert introduces himself as a chiropractor and acupuncturist, lecturer and founder of an eschatological Christian website (advocats of beyond the grave beliefs). His conferences have appeared in dozens of websites which defend from masonry up to pseudosciences.